For moms squeezing in time to exercise can be such a struggle. I don’t know about you but I can’t even find time to go to the bathroom undisturbed. I have been a multi-tasker virtually my whole life until my children came along. Between raising my little ones, working my business, household chores, home cooking, appointments, school and the list goes on and on……..there are times where even the most fitness-minded (I would consider myself to be in this category) find it a struggle to fit in some well deserved sweat time.
I am sure, like me, you have read many blog posts on the importance of exercise for moms. Reduces stress, boost your confidence, to role model healthy behaviours (extra added pressure here to do yet another thing on the list), to go back to your pre-baby body. I am here to give you 5 solid reasons why all moms should workout.
- Time for YOU: For thirty minutes of absolutely no whining, crying, fussing or back-talk. This is precious undisturbed time for you to sweat it out all while getting lost in your workout music. THANK YOU lady Gaga!
- More Patience: Working out first thing in the morning allows for me to handle any melt downs in a much more rational and calm manner. My immediate reactions to various behaviours throughout the day are grounded and my reactions are controlled. Those endorphins are pretty magical 😉
- Feed your Soul: Let’s be honest life can be overwhelming at times and some of us may reach for a glass of wine or that favourite TV show to unwind and “decompress”. We all know that if we can get a better handle on our stress levels we are better equipped to handle anything that motherhood throws our way. Exercise feeds the soul and stimulates all those feel-good endorphins allowing us to work through any anxieties and strengthen our nervous systems.
- Put Yourself First: I don’t know about you, but I spent a lot of my early twenties trying to find myself and then a lot of my early-thirties trying to redefine myself. There was a fear about losing myself again when having children. I feel that a lot of us moms take on this guilt about doing something for us; something separate from our children. This guilt drives us to abandon ourselves, our passions, our hobbies and in some cases our own health. I have come to strongly understand that the best moms don’t give up anything, in fact they stand strong in their choices to put themselves and their health first. This makes them more balanced and their cups (very) full.
- ENERGY: This is a hot commodity these days! What mom doesn’t complain about being tired. Between juggling the needs of children, working, appointments, household chores, homework, etc. we need an endless supply of ENERGY. This energy can be best produced through physical exercise. Once your exercise is completed you can tackle the rest of the day not only with a different perspective but with energy reserves to run around after your little ones at the park or have the physical strength to carry around your oversized toddler. On the days where you still feel uninspired try making a promise with yourself to move your body for at least 10 minutes. Chances are, once you start, you will feel so good that you will want to continue.
The key is to just Get Started: it is never too late to start moving and feeling good. Habits are built in 21 days – grab a calendar and block off 3 days a week for 10 minutes each day and begin to create a new healthy habit that you (and your family) will reap benefits from for life!