I am a highly sensitive person and I often feel more than I can express sometimes. I pick up emotions from people around me and the environment quite easily. Many times I feel emotions that I know are not mine and only recently have I learned ways to control them. I am not perfect and sometimes the emotions are so strong that they spiral out of control and I get into a panic and anxious state. These are the times that I feel very vulnerable and off balance.
These feelings, at times, can be so heavy and draining. When I am in this state the emotions are suffocating and I instantly feel overwhelmed – not only by my own feelings, but by those of others around me or even by those who are far away, but with whom I am energetically connected to.
As a kid growing up I was very involved in athletic sports – any sport you name it I played it. Sports can be very grounding and now I understand why I excelled in this area of my life. As a child I was very quiet and introverted (crazy to think I know!) but I was an observer, I took all in and released nothing. As I got older these emotions carried with me and I released them through exercise and sports not understanding that I was truly in my element when participating in these activities. They instantly made me feel balanced, strong and at peace. They still do.
I have always been one who needs and enjoys her solitude. In fact, I get stir-crazy if I do not get quiet time. Past friends of mine used to make strong comments to me like “oh right Lisa likes to be alone” or “I know you like to be by yourself” as if this is a bad trait to have. However if they only understood that this is a necessary trait that I need in order to function. Solitude is where I find peace and where most of my questions are answered.
Grounding for me is an essential skill that I have had to learn. It allows me to be present in my body and connected with the earth, allowing me to feel more centered and balanced regardless of what is going on around me. Particularly in my line of work I have had to make this a daily ritual for me both in the morning and in the evening. I begin the day with a grounding meditation, followed by journaling. I end my day with clearing all energy attached to me by burning sage and inviting the sacred smoke around my body from head to toe and front to back as I say a little prayer. I open all windows to allow the energy to leave.
If there are days when you feel off-balanced or that your energy is all over the place do not try to make sense of it. Step into nature and surround yourself with Earth. Take deep breaths and just feel your body relax.
Nourish yourself from the inside-out and rest.