Breakfast & Brunch

Overnight Oats

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  1. Place all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix evenly into small mason jars (this way you make enough for a few days or you can share!) and pour almond or coconut milk over the dry ingredients. Place in fridge overnight. When ready to eat, top the oats with your favourite in-season fruit and enjoy!

Do you find you’re rushed in the morning? I know there are mornings where I can’t even begin to think about eating breakfast let alone making it.  But as we all know, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.  A nutritious breakfast sets the tone for the day ensuring our blood glucose levels are balanced and we are feeling fuelled, energized and full of life!  Try out my very simple overnight oats that you can quickly prepare the night before so all you’re doing in the morning is grabbing and going.  It is truly a simple breakfast to the rescue!


Breakfast & Brunch

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