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How a strong and efficient Lymphatic System can support a strong Immune System

The efficiency of our lymphatic system in keeping us free of disease determines our level of immunity. Enlarged lymph nodes, weakness and fatigue, skin lesions or red streaks on the skin, respiratory problems and allergies, recurrent or chronic infections and candidiasis are all signs of a weakened immune system.

A healthy diet from infancy is the best preventative measure one can take against immune system disorders. A poorly nourished toxic body has no resources to fight back with, which is the reason we increasingly encounter auto immune deficiency syndromes and other serious diseases such as Cancer.

Low stomach acid, candidiasis, food allergies and hypothyroidism must be recognized and addressed to allow the body to heal itself.

To sum it all up, if your lymphatic system slows or stagnates toxins will accumulate in the body and immune cells will not be delivered to the areas of the body where they are needed causing a variety of ailments as well as deterioration of your thymus gland, tonsils and spleen (key components to your immune system). This, in turn, weakens your body’s ability to fight infection and disease.

Tips to create a strong and efficient Lymphatic System

  1. Drink plenty of water – water helps push toxins out of the body and assists with circulating nutrients
  2. Exercise regularly – fitness contributes to a strong circulatory system. Resistance (or strength) training adds muscle mass which increases the efficiency of the lymph circulation. Try rebounding exercise such as jumping on a trampoline. Research shows this is effective at improving lymph system circulation
  3. Eat high quality healthy food – Lymph is made up of immune cells so the quality of lymph is enhanced by practices that boost immunity
  4. Get a massage – Who needs an excuse to get a massage on a regular basis!? Not me! Massage stimulates the blood and lymph vessels helping move the fluid out
  5. Dry Brushing – A consistent dry brushing routine can help promote normal lymph flow and help the body to detoxify naturally
  6. Hydrotherapy – Alternating between hot and cold water on the skin